
We are Scherer Green. A German capital advisory company that provides strategic guidance and supports financial services to entrepreneurs getting ready to make their next move.

About us
Our Story
Expert help in raising funds

In this unprecedented post-covid economic climate of high interest, high inflation, and volatile equity and debt markets, there ́s more funding capital available than ever – but also more competition and complexity to get it.

You need experience on your side.

Strong partnerships

Partnerships with various alternative and institutional lenders enable excellent access to money and capital markets.

The process that helps you to become Investor-Ready

The crystal clear roadmap helps you on your journey to closing your next funding round, and is just 3 steps away:

01 Step: Assessment & Review
Complete a comprehensive Fundraising Assessment with Scherer Ventures to assess your current status and identify actions necessary to achieve investor readiness.

02 Step: Preparation
Update your pitch and pitch deck, due diligence locker, fundraising strategy, investor prospect list, and investment offer(s).

03 Step: Action
Test your offer with real investors with confidence to negotiate and close your next funding round smarter and faster. Scherer Ventures offer advisory on term sheet negotiations and closing third parties.
A combined expertise for your investment - Scherer Green GmbH offers tailor-made advisory from an investor's perspective.

Scherer Green advises founders, entrepreneurs and investors as well as external capital providers and lenders in a tailored and comprehensive manner on valuation, capital and financing issues for corporate investments and shares. In the course of planned transactions, Scherer Green structures both classic debt financing and, in particular, mezzanine and equity tranches, also as investment opportunities for private and institutional investors. Scherer Green' service offering focuses on advisory services, capital structuring and intermediation of funds for a wide range of corporate investment opportunities.

Scherer Green provides value-added capital indirectly through individual mandates, funds as well as direct investments, which are provided by institutional investors, pension funds and family offices.

We are also happy and passionate to advise you on all other financing topics.
Norman Scherer
Managing Director
After a consulting career and many years of experience in finance project management, Norman Scherer was Senior Finance Manager and Compliance Executive at a satellite insurance group (London - Paris - New York - Dubai) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where he was responsible for the design and implementation of process optimizations across the entire finance organization. He was in charge of planning, designing and implementing complex financial transactions such as the optimization of respective financial processes with institutional investors.

Norman Scherer holds an MBA | Corporate Finance | from Durham Business School (UK), an MBA from EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht Oestrich-Winkel (DE) and a BA in Controlling & Accounting HGB | IFRS. In addition, he has successfully completed further demanding executive education programs at renowned universities (Harvard Business School | HBS |, London School of Economics | LSE |, International Real Estate Business School | IREBS |, EBS Real Estate Management Institute | EBS REMI |).

Since 2022 Norman Scherer is Originator as well as Managing Director of Emerald Advisory GmbH, which is a subsidiary of Emerald Mezzanine Fund (AIFM, SICAV) in Luxembourg.